Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Went to see Riverdance at Wolf Trap last Thursday night. Wasn't planning on going, having already seen Riverdance twice before, but DD insisted. Her dance school was performing prior to the show and she wanted to see them. Not the greatest photo, but you can see how close we were.

Who would have thought, calling the day of the show, that we would get great seats?!? Second row, and the 2 people in front of us didn't show. Now one might think that close isn't so good, however, with DD I have found the farther back we are, the less she's going to be able to focus on the show.

I even sat there in amazement. To have that many people in sync...! We already knew that Marty Dowds was dancing lead that night. DD was excited. Last year she danced in Wolf Traps Master Class, and Marty was one of the instructors.

DD was so happy when she saw her all time favorite irish dancer, Marcus Maloney, dance out onto the stage. He was one of the motivating figures in getting her started in Irish Dance. She was just 4 when she first saw the Irish Thunder show at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Immediately she started begging for lessons. She's been dancing ever since.

She was so little back then! So excited to actually meet a few dancers.

DD always insisted on us sitting the front row at this show. That always meant heading straight there when the gates opened. So glad she doesn't do that anymore. She'd much rather dance than sit there and watch people dance.

She currently dances for the Boyle School of Irish Dance. She had been with the O'Neill James School, but abruptly insisted on quiting. Couldn't understand it. She insisted that she hated Irish Dance. How could a child who dances every time she hears Irish music hate it? We stumbled upon Boyle and she's been there for 3 years. She loves it so much that now, suddenly, she's toying with the idea of competing. Can I handle her competing in two different activities? We'll have to see.

1 comment:

Kim Leslie said...

I agree! Riverdance is a phenomenon! I have many happy memories of Wolf Trap. Great acoustics!